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A Decade of Bokehgo: Reflection & Gratitude


It’s 2025. The 10-year anniversary of Studio Bokehgo. A decade of making films.

Throughout this time, I have remained unwavering in my determination to tell important stories—stories that need to be heard so that we can all grow. Stories of incredible people and projects making the world a better place. Stories that remind us how beautiful life can be.

When I reflect on a decade, I wonder how many times I’ve smiled, been inspired, cried, connected, and truly seen people. And how, through my work, I’ve tried to ensure that everyone I film feels listened to, seen, and empowered. And it’s not just me—an incredible team surrounds me, helping people shine their light through the way they shine their own.

Bokehgo has always been about exploring what it is to be kind, to care, to love, to be moved, and to move others. My films have often made people cry—what a strange quantifier—but I believe it’s a good thing. I believe this because it allows people to feel, to celebrate, to listen, and to appreciate things they might otherwise miss in busy lives. And that space to feel? It’s a powerful, emotional thing.

Tens of thousands of hours of footage, none of it the same. So many unique moments documented, anchoring us in time and space. Watching the dance of light and shadow across frames as they present a world that I am ever discovering.

Thousands of interviews. Seeing people eye to eye. Giving them a platform to share a piece of themselves—authentically and openly.

Bokehgo exists to explore, discover, and showcase things that I believe matter in this world. And what do I mean by “matter”? I mean the things that unite us, inspire us, connect us, give us hope, fuel our dreams, and celebrate us for who we are while exciting us for who we can become.

And it all started with a young art student who realised a painting had never moved him to tears, but films always did. Films connect to my soul, and I dreamed that if I could learn their language, I could connect with other people’s souls too. There’s no way to prove this, but I believe I have—both through the filmmaking process itself, making it an empowering experience for those involved, and through the impact it has on those who experience it as viewers. Authentic cinema is a democratic voice of unity. The camera became my vessel of creativity.

I started with a cheap but wonderful camera. I told stories. People liked them, and wanted more, and so with the money I earned I could afford better cameras. More stories were told. The ambitions grew, but the heart remained—the beating heart of a beautifully connected humanity.

And as I grew, I started to believe in myself. I began to see myself as a filmmaker—one who could handle my dreams and ambitions while platforming the people I love as they deserve. One day, I realised I wasn’t nervous before arriving on set anymore. And it had been like that for a while. My films were premiering on all sorts of screens, from phones to cinemas. Then, they began traveling the world, reaching audiences both physically and digitally.

The interesting thing? Every day feels like business as usual—yet, when I look back, I see milestones in the distant past that once felt so far away. And when I look ahead, I see new horizons. I wonder what subjects I will explore, which collaborators I will meet, what stories I will hear, and how my skills as an artist will continue to evolve.

At this 10-year milestone, I am profoundly grateful.

For the people who have believed in me—many for the full journey so far.For my incredible team of talented filmmakers and truly wonderful human beings. For all the projects that have enlightened, challenged, and inspired me.For the experiences I have uniquely lived because of this journey.For the wonderful family that supports me and makes my dreams soar.

To be a filmmaker is a way of life. And that way of life is different for every filmmaker. I am honoured, grateful, and proud of this journey. And I thank each of you for being part of it.

The next stages for Bokehgo are going to be thrilling. But for now, in this moment, I reflect—with joy, pride, and an ever-growing energy.

To those who have been part of this journey—thank you. And to those just joining—welcome. There’s so much more ahead.

Much love. x



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